Same Day Business Loans

What are Same Day Business Loans?

Blum Bridge has been a reliable provider of rapid business loans for over a decade. We recognize that there are instances when immediate access to cash is crucial, and we are here to assist. Whether you require funds within the next week or need them urgently, we collaborate with you to ensure a swift and efficient process to meet your financial needs. In certain cases, we have successfully funded business owners within one to two hours, provided the necessary minimum documentation is readily available, facilitating a quick and seamless securing of your business loan.

Conventional business bank loans come with inherent drawbacks, one of the most prominent being their sluggish pace. The lengthy processing times can be a hindrance, especially when you require funds urgently. To address this, we introduced the same day funding program.

As an alternative lender, Blum Bridge is positioned to deliver funds more expeditiously than traditional banks. This advantage translates into significant benefits for you. Our process is not only swift but also highly flexible. Take advantage of our online application process to discover how much you are approved for immediate business funding.


Estimated Business Loan Term: 2 to 18+ Months

Rates: 12% to 45%*

Time in Business Required: 2 Months

Min Credit Score Require: 500

Min Monthly Deposits Required: 5

Min Monthly Revenues: $8,000

Min Business Loan Amount: $5,000

Max Business Loan Amount: $1,000,000

Max Number of Negative Days: 3 Within a Month

*rates depend on duration of funding

What Do I Need to Qualify?

Below is a list of the general requirements needed to get approved for our merchant cash advance program. Although in some cases there are many additional factors that may be considered, meeting these three requirements gives you a very high chance of having your application approved.

✔ At Least 2 Months in Business

✔ 500+ Min. Credit Score

✔ $8,000 Min. Monthly Revenue

What Will Same Day Financing Cost You?

The cost of a short term business loan often depends on a factor rate and the length of time you have the funding. Let’s say you take a merchant cash advance of $100,000 for 12 months at a factor rate of 1.22. That would make the cost of borrowing in this scenario $22,000, so your total pay back amount on 100K would be $122,000. Your payments would vary depending on whether you have daily or weekly payments.

How Do Same Day Business Loans Work?

Most of our short term business loans are an immediate funding solution where a business owner receives a set amount of money for a specified period of time at a set cost. The payback amount, which includes the amount borrowed and the factor fee, as well as any additional fees, will be paid back through daily or weekly debits from the business bank account. The duration of the loan can be between six months and thirty six months depending on the information provided in the application process.

Are Same Day Business Loans Right For You?

Our short term business loans can be a good fit if you require working capital for a relatively short period of time and you want some of the best rates and terms that we offer. This type of financing does however require a fair credit score so if you know your credit score is below 650 please see our business cash advance loans. Our short term program is a great solution if you do not meet the requirements for traditional financing but there are some important evaluations to make before you acquire this type of funding.

Can your business manage the payments of short term financing because the payments are larger when compared to a loan for the same amount over a longer period of time. You also have to consider what the total cost is for the financing and whether the loan will be a benefit or a burden for your business. These are just some of the questions you have to consider before applying.

What Documents are Needed to Apply?

Documents Required for Less Than $100,000

  • Drivers License

  • Bank Statements

  • Proof of Ownership

  • Property Lease Agreement

  • Credit Card Processing Statements

  • Voided Check

Additional Documents for Advances More Than $100,000

  • Personal Tax Returns

  • Business Tax Returns

  • Profit & Loss Statement

  • Balance Sheet

  • Business Debt Schedule (possible)

  • Potential for Others

Typical Questions Asked Before Applying

  • This type of business funding has low document requirements so you can receive funding possibly in the same day you apply.

  • This type of alternative funding option very flexible credit history requirements so it will have very little impact on whether or not you receive funding.

  • There are no restrictions, you can use the money the loan how you see fit.

  • It may be possible, it just depends on a few factors. Speak with your representative for more details.

  • Blum Bridge does not sell information to other lenders. We handle everything in-house so you do not have to worry about receiving unwanted phone calls from multiple lenders.

  • No. You do however have to own at least fifty one percent of the business.

  • A minimum of 2 months is required, however, most approved businesses have been operating for at least 3 months or more.

  • No. In fact, in some cases you may receive a discount.

Get Same Day Loan for your Business